Tag: BI Resources

Sample Data Sources

As you start to learn the SAS Information Map Studio and SAS Web Report Studio, you may want some sample data to play with or otherwise explore.  Here is a list of free sources that I have found that can help as you learn and want to challenge yourself. Simple Data Tables Here are some sources for simple data tables.  These are datasets with all of the data contained in one table and do not need to join to anything else. SASHELP This listing of data may be most familiar to BASE SAS users. This library has several ready made data sets (i.e. SHOES, CLASS, and CARS). If you do not see a SASHELP library in your list, then ask your SAS Administrator to add it. SAS Enterprise Guide Data EG 4.3 shipped with some fun ready-made simple datasets:  Bullets,  Drugs, and TotArrests.  [Hmmm …. ] This data was located in this path on my EG 4.3  installation: C:\Program Files\SAS\EnterpriseGuide\4.3\Sample\Data DATA.GOV http://www.data.gov/ has a ton of simple raw data tables on a variety of topics: earthquake activity, income data by county for 2007, and unemployment statistics.  It is actually just fun to poke around to see what is available. This site also has links to other […]

Consolidating various resources

There are a lot of resources out there for SAS BI/EBI users and it spans a wide range of locations. The more we research the more we agree that having a single book for the BI client tools will help new users getting started with the system.
Here is a…