Tag: compliance

Web Report Studio: Adding a Confidentiality Disclaimer

Adding disclaimers to SAS Web Report Studio tables and graphs is sometimes necessary for confidentiality purposes.  You can do this easily by using the Configuration Manager available in SAS Management Console 9.2 and up.  This is shown to the right.   Adding a Table Disclaimer Through SAS Management Console SAS Support provides official documentation for adding disclaimers in SAS 9.3 as well as SAS 9.2.  To add the disclaimer, simply find the “Web Report Studio 4.3″ application under the Configuration Manager through SAS Management Console. Right click and go to the “Advanced” tab and add the property as shown below. Downsides The major downside is the disclaimer gets inserted on every single table and chart produced going forward.  Web reports can get very cluttered with the same message.  As an alternative I would recommend building a Web Report Studio template with the security message as a footer.  Report writers can be educated to always use this template to enforce security policies. I noticed a reference to an XHTML fragment in the LocalProperties.xml file for Web Report Studio… Not sure how this works, but if anybody has any ideas please share!  Related content: MDX: Dynamically Hiding Measures for Compliance

MDX: Dynamically Hiding Measures for Compliance

OLAP cubes are great for summarizing data very fast – I love them .   In certain environments, HIPAA compliance for personally identifiable data might be a concern.  Even at the lowest grain of a cube it might be possible to identify the specific detail data beneath the surface if the summarized number is small enough.  For example, if a report shows the number of people that work for a company in a county of a state that are over the age of 50 – it may be beneficial to hide the statistic to protect the identity of that sample size. Using MDX logic, we can dynamically hide measures that meet a certain criteria.  In the MDX code below, I have added an additional measure to the OLAP cube I used for SAS Global forum in 2011.   It will aggregate the Total Sales measure like normal but if the Total Sales measure is less than 50,000 it will show nothing. DEFINE Member “[SGF2011].[Measures].[Restricted Total Sales]” AS ‘iif([Measures].[Total Sales]<50000,NULL,[Measures].[Total Sales]),FORMAT_STRING = “DOLLAR20.0″‘; The Enterprise Guide screenshot to the right shows the output!     Secure the Original Measure with Metadata Permissions One concept I always promote with writing MDX code is […]