Example 7.41: hazard function plotting

This post was kindly contributed by SAS and R - go there to comment and to read the full post.

As we continue with our series on survival analysis, we demonstrate how to plot estimated (smoothed) hazard functions.


We will utilize the routines available in the muhaz package. Background information on the methods can be found in K.R. Hess, D.M. Serachitopol and B.W. Brown Hazard Function Estimators: A Simulation Study, Statistics in Medicine, 1999: 18(22):3075-3088.

ds = read.csv("http://www.math.smith.edu/sasr/datasets/help.csv")
smallds = data.frame(dayslink=ds$dayslink,
linkstatus=ds$linkstatus, treat=ds$treat)

# drop subjects with missing data
smallds = na.omit(smallds)

treatds = smallds[smallds$treat==1,]
controlds = smallds[smallds$treat==0,]
rm(ds, smallds) # clean up

haztreat = with(treatds, muhaz(dayslink, linkstatus))
hazcontrol = with(controlds, muhaz(dayslink, linkstatus))

plot(haztreat, lwd=2, xlab="Follow-up time (days)")
lines(hazcontrol, lty=2, lwd=2)
legend(200, 0.005, legend=c("Treatment", "Control"),
lty=1:2, lwd=2)

The treatment group has dramatically higher hazard, but this drops appreciably after 6 months. The control group hazard is low, and decreases in a roughly linear fashion.


Paul Alison includes macros to display estimates from parametric and semiparametric models in Survival Analysis Using SAS (2nd edition). We’ll use the smooth macro, which is built to accept output from proc lifetest.

proc import file="c:\book\help.csv"
out=help dbms=dlm;

data h2;
set help;
if nmiss(dayslink, linkstatus, treat) eq 0;

proc lifetest data=h2 outsurv=allison;
time dayslink*linkstatus(0);
strata treat;

%include "c:/ken/sasmacros/smooth.sas";
%smooth(data=allison, time=dayslink, width=25);

The proc lifetest results (not shown) indicate that group 1 is the control and group 2 is the intervention. The macro uses a simpler smoothing method than that found in R, so that the curve is bumpier and estimates near the edges are not shown.

This post was kindly contributed by SAS and R - go there to comment and to read the full post.