Print global macro variables

This post was kindly contributed by Ken's SAS tricks - go there to comment and to read the full post.

The call symput(“macroname”, varname) is really useful for getting data from a data set into SAS code that’s executed later.  One example is shown here

This entry is inspired by a simulation project I’m coding right now where there are many parameter settings that apply to all cases.  The data will be about a million lines long, and there are 13 parameters, some of which require functional operations before the simulations starts.  In my initial draft of the simulation, I had all of this in the data step with the simulation, but this is really inefficient and and comsumes a lot of space.  Instead, I broke the parameter settings into a separate data step and made them macro variables with call symput.  But it would be smart to check them.

The simple way to do this is with the macro %put statement.  This prints the value of text or of named macro variables to the log.  You can also use

%put _global;

to display all of the current global macro variables.

This post was kindly contributed by Ken's SAS tricks - go there to comment and to read the full post.