Need a place to put other Web Viewable Files?

This post was kindly contributed by real business intelligence for real users - go there to comment and to read the full post.

What if you need someplace to store static files for web consumption. Things that might come to mind:

  • Images
  • HTML Static Title Pages
  • JavaScript
  • PDF Documentation (such as how-to instructions)

An ideal place would be a HTML server, since these aren’t active files. However in a standard 9.2 installation, there is no longer an included Apache server.

But don’t fret, you don’t have to go out and download something. You can utilize the existing jBoss installation to upload and view files.

Simply place files in the location: <JbossInstallDir>
(I would recommend setting up an organized file folder structure within the ROOT.war folder.)

You can then access files within http://server:port/.

(If you are unable to view the contents of ROOT.war, you will need to extract the .ear file. See the previous post for tips:

This post was kindly contributed by real business intelligence for real users - go there to comment and to read the full post.