Logics in mathematics and in daily life: a statistical programming example

This post was kindly contributed by From a Logical Point of View » SAS - go there to comment and to read the full post.

Refresh some basic logical propositions (or statements):

implication:       if       P then       Q (P>Q)

inverse:            if not P then not Q (-P>-Q)

converse:         if       Q then       P (Q>P)

contrapositive: if not Q then not P (-Q>-P)

contradition:    if       P then not Q (P>-Q)

Mathematically or logically speaking, if the implication statement holds, then the contrapositive holds, but the inverse does not hold, i.e., if P then Q, then we can get if not Q then not P, but we can not get if not P then not Q.

That’s all logics needed here and Let’s turn to the ambiguous English in daily life. James R. Munkres of MIT gave an example in Topology (2nd edition, 2000, P.7):

Mr. Jones, if  you get a grade below  70 on  the final, you are going to flunk  this course.

We adapt it in a logical implication form:

Mr. Jones, if P then Q, where

P: you get a grade below  70 on  the final

Q: you are going to flunk  this course

Considering the context, we can also get that the inverse holds: if you get a grade above er or equal to 70, then you are going to pass this course(if not P then not Q ).

Question: when do statistical programming, what types of logics you use?

Answer: Not all mathematically. see

if score<70 then grade="flunk";  *if P then Q;
else                    grade="pass";  *if not P then not Q;

This post was kindly contributed by From a Logical Point of View » SAS - go there to comment and to read the full post.