Find Documentation for SAS Functions

This post was kindly contributed by Key Happenings at - go there to comment and to read the full post.

A few weeks ago, I answered the question How do I find documentation for SAS Procedures? Earlier this week, another question was submitted by a site visitor. This time, the customer is looking for a list of SAS macros.

Q: I am trying to locate the alphabetical listing of macro functions for 9.2. Is there a list of functions in the documentation like the list of procedures?

A: The list of macro functions isn’t as easy to find as the Procedure list, but I can point you to two resources in the documentation that can help.

First Option:

SAS 9.2 Language Reference by Name, Product, and Category offers several ways to view a list of macro functions. My favorite is the Macro Functions Syntax Alphabetically listing. If you visit this section of the Language Reference book, be sure to look at the Contents list on the left. There you will see other function lists as well as multiple ways to view the functions.

Second Option:

All things macro are covered in SAS 9.2 Macro Language: Reference, but what you are looking for is found in the Macro Functions section.

Try out these references and let me know which you found the most useful. Readers: Do you have other suggestions that you can share?

This post was kindly contributed by Key Happenings at - go there to comment and to read the full post.