SAS Nerd: Guest Blog by Kirk Lafler

This post was kindly contributed by Avocet Solutions - go there to comment and to read the full post.

One of my favorite presentations at the recent Western Users of SAS Software conference was presented by Kirk Lafler of Software Intelligence Corporation.  He has graciously agreed to allow me to share his paper “You Could Be a SAS Nerd If…” on this site.  Here are a few of my favorite parts from his paper:

You Could Be a SAS Nerd If . . .
The following scenarios offer you a way to determine whether you could be a SAS nerd. They are real scenarios based on actual events or experiences by the author and/or comments shared by other SAS users. Could you be a SAS nerd? Let’s see.

1. You own every SAS manual ever written dating back to SAS 76.
6. You celebrate January 1st, 1960 with family and friends.
10. Your home page is,, SAS-L, or
12. You get excited when you find a new match-merge technique that performs better than the one you developed the week before.
18. Your screen name, nickname, or avatar is “Macro Maven”, “SASMan”, “SASGuru” or some other alias containing or referencing SAS software.
21. You have more than one version of SAS on your machine or network so you can compare and contrast program, processing and output differences.
36. With all the different reality shows on television, you wonder why there isn’t one showing the exciting life of a SAS user.

To download the complete paper click here.

This post was kindly contributed by Avocet Solutions - go there to comment and to read the full post.