The default settings are not good enough

This post was kindly contributed by The SAS Dummy - go there to comment and to read the full post.

Today, I came across this article that discusses how software users rarely change the settings in the applications that they use.  Users assume that the software vendor sets the default values as they are for a reason, and who are they to set them otherwise?

I’m a software developer (and all-around-computer-geek), so I’m forever tweaking the settings in applications that I use to suit the way that I work.  As a long-time developer for SAS Enterprise Guide, I know that the “defaults” for certain settings are something that we debate with every release.  Our objective is to have default settings that create the best experience and results for the largest percentage of users.

But SAS Enterprise Guide users (and SAS users in general) are so varied in their backgrounds and job roles that there is no such thing as a “typical” user.  Therefore, I can promise that some of the default behaviors in the application are not optimized for your experience.  Which options need tweaking?  That’s up to you.

Some settings are meant to provide the best experience for new users.  Well, being a “new user” is a temporary occupation, isn’t it?  Once you graduate to “somewhat experienced user”, it’s your task to tweak your options to match your new familiarity with the application.

In the past, I’ve shared my favorite 5 options to tweak when using SAS Enterprise Guide.  I encourage you to take a few minutes to explore these and other options, and see how you can make the tools work better for you as a result.

This post was kindly contributed by The SAS Dummy - go there to comment and to read the full post.