FBS Coaches Avg. Salary

This post was kindly contributed by ProcRun; - go there to comment and to read the full post.

Of course, a few days before I leave for a much needed vacation, USA Today released their updated NCAA coaching salary database. For sports junkies, there’s an unlimited number of analysis and visualizations that can be done on the data.

I took a quick break from packing to condense the data to a csv and write up a very rough R script. Note: Installing the sqldf library can be a bit of a pain. Look here for help.

salaries <- read.csv("2011Salary.csv", header=T, sep=",")

result <- sqldf('select
				   sum(a.SchoolPay) / b.spc as avg_pay
				   salaries  as a
				  (select Conference, count(*) as spc
				   from salaries
				   where SchoolPay > 0
				   group by Conference) as b
				  a.Conference = b.Conference
				 group by

chart <- qplot(result$Conference, result$avg_pay,
				fill = I("grey50"),
				main = 'Average Coaches Salary by Conference',
				xlab = 'Conference',
				ylab = 'Average Pay')

chart + opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-45))

Outputs the following

Most surprising result? PAC-12 coaches average ~ $400,000 less than the Big East.

Full code is available on bitbucket.

This post was kindly contributed by ProcRun; - go there to comment and to read the full post.