Stored Processes: 3 Ways to Edit a Stored Process

This post was kindly contributed by Business Intelligence Notes for SAS® BI Users - go there to comment and to read the full post.

Some may not realize that you can edit a SAS Stored Process in multiple ways (depending on your permissions).  Today I show you three different ways to reach the stored process code.  By the way, I’m using SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 and SAS Management Console 9.3 – so your windows may look different.

Method 1: SAS Enterprise Guide

Many of you are aware of this method already.  Just for review – here’s how you open a stored process and then change it with SAS Enterprise Guide.  You have to be connected to the metadata server to reach the stored process.

  1. From the SAS Folders pane, select the SAS Folders icon.
  2. Navigate to the stored process location.  Right-click the stored process and select Add to Project.  The stored process appears in the Process Flow and Project Tree areas.
  3. From the Process Tree or the Project Flow area, right-click the stored process name and select Modify <stored process name>.  The Stored Process Manager window appears and you can make changes to your code.  I use this method most often because I like the help I get from SAS Enterprise Guide.
05 stp edit method1 Stored Processes: 3 Ways to Edit a Stored Process

Method 2: SAS Management Console

If you  have access to the SAS Management Console 9.3, you can edit the stored process directly.  This functionality is not available in earlier releases.  

  1. In the SAS Management Console from the Folders tab, navigate to the stored process location.
  2. Double-click the stored process. The Properties window appears.
  3. From the Execution tab, select the Edit button.  The Edit Source Code file appears.  You can make any desired edits from this window.

 05 stp edit method2.egp  Stored Processes: 3 Ways to Edit a Stored Process

Method 3: File System/Source Code Repository

If you have to access the source code repository, you can edit the stored process code directly.  [Learn more about the source code repository in this post.] In the previous screen capture, you can see the location of the source code repository.  From the SAS Enterprise Guide screen capture, you would click on the Execution options choice.

  1. Navigate to the file location on the operating system.
  2. Open the stored process program (SAS program).  You may have a preferred editor that you like to use or just good ole’ Base SAS.

 05 stp edit method3 Stored Processes: 3 Ways to Edit a Stored Process


Learning More About SAS Stored Processes

In the newly released “50 Keys to Learning SAS Stored Processes” you can learn many techniques for creating and using stored processes with the SAS BI tools.  Here’s a sample from chapter 2 or  look at the table from contents.

This post was kindly contributed by Business Intelligence Notes for SAS® BI Users - go there to comment and to read the full post.