Sublime Text 2 for SAS Programmers: A Quick Note

This post was kindly contributed by From a Logical Point of View » SAS - go there to comment and to read the full post.

I’m playing with a new text editor, Sublime Text 2, and it has much potentials to replace my current handy Notepad++ and VIM. A quick note for further exploration(will keep update):

1. SAS syntax highlighting

Sublime Text 2 doesn’t support SAS syntax natively. I got a workaround so I didn’t need to write my own to play with it in the validation stage. Since  Sublime Text 2 supports TextMate’s syntax configuration, Just borrowed a Textmate’s SAS syntax coloring theme from Jakob Stoeck (thanks a lot man!).

This SAS coloring theme is Github hosted, so you can clone the files to the user created “SAS” folder (C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\data\Packages\SAS; I use a Win 7 machine) if your Git is installed properly:

git clone git:// SAS.tmbundle

or you can just simply save and copy this file to the SAS folder above:

Then you get


Pretty nice, isn’t it? One of the neat functionalities of Sublime Text 2 is to open a folder as a project (showed in the left panel).

2. VI(M) Emulation

We can also easily launch Vi(M) mode in Sublime Text 2, see

This post was kindly contributed by From a Logical Point of View » SAS - go there to comment and to read the full post.