NOTE: Always Striving to Learn More

Aren’t SAS users groups and conferences great? We all strive to continue learning, and we can do that a piece at a time through subscription to blogs and newsletters, and we can get great gulps of new knowledge from attending SAS users groups and conferences. If you don’t have a convenient local users group (or your employer refuses to let you attend) then you have my sympathy, but all is not lost. The SAS Users Groups blog is run by a great team from SAS and provides highlights from users groups meetings in US.

This month was the turn of the South East SAS User Group (SESUG). Judging by the highlights presented in the SAS Users Groups blog it was clearly a good conference. Two blog articles (linking to conference papers) particularly caught my eye:

Why Use Hadoop?

Macro Headaches. Learn How to Prevent Them

And the Best Contributed papers at Mid West SAS Users Group (MWSUG) offers plenty of quality reading too.

So, even if you don’t go to any of the conferences, you have plenty of opportunity to benefit from the presented material. What would you like to know more about?…