Control Excel via SAS DDE & Python win32com

This post was kindly contributed by SAS Programming for Data Mining - go there to comment and to read the full post.

Excel is probably the most used interface between human and data. Whenever you are dealing with business people, Excel is the de facto means for all things about data processing.

I used to only use SAS and Python for number crunching but in one of my recent projects, I need to work out a way to send summarized data to Excel for charting, specifically charting in the Excel flavor where the style has particularity and clients need data to be associated with the chart, just like a copied Excel chart. It is extremely difficult to fine tune your SAS or Python figures to mimic the exact required Excel style, no to mention interactive data display on chart that comes handy with Excel, so I decided to study how to control Excel via SAS and Python.

Python is for standalone PC implementation while SAS runs on the analytic server, each serves different customer groups. In my situation, we have MS Office 2013 Professional installed on both client PC and the server. In Python, we use win32com to control Excel while in SAS, I use the old school Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) . DDE is obsolete technology but I don’t have much experience in using COM within SAS, nor did I found good examples in this aspect.

In this blog, I show how to generate the following Excel worksheets and copy the Charts with data to PowerPoint, in Python and in SAS.

For python scripting, I largely follow the posts from Dan’s Python Excel blogs, and the Office IPython blog @here. You are welcome to check out his scripts there and develop your own. In order for win32com to work in your Python environment, it is required to install pywin32 package, which can be found on its project page @here . You may also want to create static dispatch use from the project code and installs all generated constants from a type library in the object win32com.client.constants.

For SAS scripting, I largely follow SAS manual outlined above and some SAS user papers on DDE, especially using DDECMD. But since in PowerPoint 2013 macro recording is not longer available, the work will stop at Excel.

In the following, I will demonstrate, via comparing both languages, how to:
1. Invoke Excel Application
2. Reading data and generate contingency tables
3. Send the table data to Excel
4. Generate charts in Excel driving by SAS or Python
5. Copy Excel charts to PowerPoint with data embedded.

(to be completed .. )

This post was kindly contributed by SAS Programming for Data Mining - go there to comment and to read the full post.