Script for a SAS Viya installation on Azure in just one click

This post was kindly contributed by SAS Users - go there to comment and to read the full post.

At the end of my SAS Users blog post explaining how to install SAS Viya on the Azure Cloud for a SAS Hackathon in the Nordics, I promised to provide some technical background. I ended up with only one manual step by launching a shell script from a Linux machine and from there the whole process kicked off. In this post, I explain how we managed to automate this process as much as possible. Read on to discover the details of the script.


The script uses the Azure command-line interface (CLI) heavily. The CLI is Microsoft’s cross-platform command-line experience for managing Azure resources. Make sure the CLI is installed, otherwise you cannot use the script.

The deployment process

The process contains three different steps:

  1. Test the availability of the SAS Viya installation repository.
  2. Launch a new Azure Virtual Machine. This action uses a previously created custom Azure image.
  3. Perform the actual installation.

Let’s examine the details of each step.

Test the availability of the SAS Viya installation repository

When deploying software in the cloud, Red Hat Enterprise Linux recommends using a mirror repository. Since the SAS Viya package allows for this installation method, we decided to use the mirror for the hackathon images. This is optional, but optimal, say if your deployment does not have access to the Internet or if you must always deploy the same version of software (such as for regulatory reasons or for testing/production purposes).

In our Azure Subscription we created an Azure Resource group with the name ‘Nordics Hackathon.’ Within that resource group, there is an Azure VM running a web server hosting the downloaded SAS Viya repository.

Azure VM running HTTPD Server and hosting a SAS Viya Mirror Repository

Of course, we cannot start the SAS Viya installation before being sure this VM – hosting all rpms to install SAS Viya – is running.
To validate that the VM is running, we issue the start command from the CLI:

az vm start -g [Azure Resource Group] -n [AZ VM name]

Something like:

az vm start -g my_resourcegroup -n my_viyarepo34

If the server is already running, nothing happens. If not, the command starts the VM. We can also check the Azure console:

Azure Console with ‘Running’ VMs

Launching the VM

The second part of the script launches a new Azure VM. We use the custom Azure image we created earlier. The SAS Viya image creation is explained in the first blog post.

The Azure image used for the Nordics hackathon was the template for all other SAS Viya installations. On this Azure image we completed several valuable tasks:

  • We performed a SAS Viya pre-deployment assessment using the SAS Viya Administration Resource Kit (Viya ARK) utility tool. The Viya ARK – Pre-installation Playbook is a great tool that checks all prerequisites and performs many pre-deployment tasks before deploying SAS Viya software.
  • Installed R-Server and R-Studio
  • Installed Ansible
  • Created a SAS Viya Playbook using the SAS Orchestration CLI.
  • Customized Ansible playbooks created by SAS colleagues used to kickoff OpenLdap & JupyterHub installation.

Every time we launch our script, an exact copy of a new Azure Virtual machine launches, fully customized according to our needs for the Hackathon.
Below is the Azure CLI command used in the script which creates a new Azure VM.

az vm create --resource-group [Azure Resource Group]--name $NAME --image viya_Base \
--admin-username azureuser --admin-password [your_pw] --subnet [subnet_id] \
--nsg [optional existing network security group] --public-ip-address-allocation static \
--size [any Azure size] --tags name=$NAME

After the creation of the VM, we install SAS Viya in the third step of the process.


After running the script three times (using a different value for $NAME), we end up with the following high-level infrastructure:

SAS Viya on Azure Cloud deployemnt

After the launch of the Azure VM, the script starts the install script using the original image in the /opt/sas/install/ location.
In the last step of the deployment process, the script installs OpenLdap, SAS Viya and JupyterHub. The following command runs the script:

az vm run-command invoke -g [Azure Resource Group] -n $NAME --command-id RunShellScript --scripts "sudo /opt/sas/install/ &"

The steps in the script should be familiar to those with experience installing SAS Viya and/or Ansible playbooks. Below is the script in its entirety.

touch /start
echo "Starting with the installation of OPENLDAP. Check the openldap.log in the playbook directory for more information" > /var/log/myScriptLog.txt
# install openldap
cd /opt/sas/install/OpenLDAP
ansible-playbook openldapsetup.yml
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then { echo "Failed the openldap setup, aborting." ; exit 1; } fi
cp ./sitedefault.yml /opt/sas/install/sas_viya_playbook/roles/consul/files/sitedefault.yml
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then { echo "Failed to copy file, aborting." ; exit 1; } fi
echo "Starting Viya installation" >> /var/log/myScriptLog.txt
# install viya
cd /opt/sas/install/sas_viya_playbook
ansible-playbook site.yml
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then { echo "Failed to install sas viya, aborting." ; exit 1; } fi
echo "Starting jupyterhub installation" >> /var/log/myScriptLog.txt
# install jupyterhub
cd /opt/sas/install/jupy-azure
ansible-playbook deploy_jupyter.yml
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then { echo "Failed to install jupyterhub, aborting." ; exit 1; } fi
touch /finish 

Up next

In a future blog, I hope to show you how get up and running with SAS Viya Azure Quick Start. For now, the details I provided in this and the previous blog post is enough to get you started deploying your own SAS Viya environments in the cloud.

Script for a SAS Viya installation on Azure in just one click was published on SAS Users.

This post was kindly contributed by SAS Users - go there to comment and to read the full post.