How to translate your cURL command into SAS code

This post was kindly contributed by SAS Users - go there to comment and to read the full post.

How often have you needed Google Translate, but for SAS code?

SAS Technical Support often gets requests like the following: “I have this API named <insert name of really cool API here> and I want to process data I get back from the API with SAS. How do I do it?”

In this article, I’ll show you how to translate the examples from your API documentation (offered in a select few languages) to the equivalent in SAS.

Test your API with cURL

My first recommendation is to know your API. Most APIs come with documentation and will give specific guidance regarding how to POST data (send) to the API and how to GET data (receive) from the API. Often, examples are provided using cURL commands.

With this information, you are welcome to examine the SAS documentation for the HTTP procedure and build your code. Before you call or email SAS Technical Support asking for PROC HTTP code, I encourage you to verify that you can communicate with your API (or URL) from outside of SAS. One way to do so is with cURL. cURL (Client URL) is a command-line tool that is shipped with many UNIX flavors and installed easily on Windows. With a cURL command, you can interact with your URLs from outside of SAS from a command-line prompt like this:

curl -o "c:\temp\file.txt" -request ""

From SAS, you can use a cURL command with the DATA step, like this:

data _null_;
 %sysexec curl -o "c:\temp\file.txt" -request "";

File.txt contains the response from the URL:

  "args": {}, 
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*", 
    "Host": "", 
    "Range": "bytes=Request", 
    "User-Agent": "curl/7.46.0", 
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5f028cd3-2ec7e1e05da1f616e9106ee8"
  "origin": "", 
  "url": ""

However, if you use SAS® Enterprise Guide® or SAS® Studio, you might not have permissions to run operating system commands from SAS, so you need a way to translate your cURL commands to SAS. The previous cURL command is easily translated to the following PROC HTTP code:

filename out "c:\temp\file.txt";
proc http url="" out=out;
  1. The -o (OUTPUT) cURL argument translates to the OUT= argument in PROC HTTP.
  2. The -request argument defaults to a GET for cURL (also the default for PROC HTTP, so METHOD=“GET” is the correct syntax but unnecessary for this step).
  3. Note: The URL= argument is always quoted.

The cURL command supports many options and features. Check out the cURL reference page. SAS can’t guarantee that all are directly translatable to PROC HTTP, but I do want to cover some of the most popular that SAS customers have asked about.

Sending data to an API

If your cURL command uses the -d (DATA) option, you’ll use the IN= argument in your PROC HTTP statement. Here I am posting to the URL a file called test.csv, which resides in my c:\temp directory:

curl -d "c:\temp\test.csv" -X post "";

This command translates to the following PROC HTTP code:

filename test "c:\temp\test.csv";
proc http url=""
 /* If the IN= argument is used then method="post" is the default */ 
 /* and therefore unnecessary in this step */

Working with authentication

None of the URLs above require authentication, but you’ll likely find authentication is part of most APIs. Many APIs have moved to OAuth for authentication. This method of authentication requires the use of an access token, which you obtain with a POST command. With the correct credentials, this cURL command posts to the SAS® Viya® SASLogon REST API in order to obtain an access token:

curl -X POST "" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
      -d "grant_type=password&username=userid&password=mypassword" \
      -u "app:mysecret" -o "c:\temp\token.txt"

The following PROC HTTP code does the same task:

 filename out temp;
 proc http url="http://servername/SASLogon/oauth/token"
   headers "Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
  1. The -u option is for user ID and password.*
  2. The -o command/output captures the response, in this case a JSON file. In this case you mimic -o with a FILENAME statement to write the text in JSON format to the WORK library location.
  3. The -H command is popular and translates to the HEADERS statement in PROC HTTP.

*Read about ways to hide your credentials in Chris Hemedinger’s post here: How to secure your REST API credentials in SAS programs.

The output file contains an access token, necessary to make requests on behalf of a client to the REST API. In this example, a cURL command like the following requests a list of folders from the Folders microservice:

curl -X GET "" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN-STRING"

The PROC HTTP code will look like this if you “directly translate”:

filename new temp;
proc http url=""
 method="get" out=new;
 headers "Accept"="application/json" 
         "Authorization"="Bearer TOKEN-STRING";

But starting in SAS® 9.4M5, there’s a shortcut with the OAUTH_BEARER option:

filename new temp;

Processing JSON responses with the JSON engine

I can’t tell you about PROC HTTP without a mention of the JSON engine. Starting in SAS® 9.4m4, the JSON engine enables us to easily read JSON files. I can use the previous cURL command to pipe my access token to a file with the -o argument, but using my PROC HTTP code I can easily move that value into a macro variable. I’ll add a LIBNAME statement that points to the fileref in the previous step:

libname test json fileref=new;

I can then examine the contents of the JSON output with this step:

proc contents data=test._all_;

Here I spy the access token I will need for a later PROC HTTP step:

Here’s how I can place it in a macro variable:

data _null_;
 set test.root;
 call symputx("access_token",access_token);
%put &access_token;

So everywhere I used TOKEN-STRING in the previous code, I can now use the macro variable instead, like this:

proc http OAUTH_BEARER="&access_token" 

Debugging with PROC HTTP

With the cURL command, you can use the -v (verbose) argument to get connection and header information. It’s helpful for debugging and diagnosing trouble spots.

In SAS® 9.4M5, the DEBUG statement was added to PROC HTTP. DEBUG supports several options. I’ll highlight the LEVEL= option here:

 Level= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3

Selecting 0 provides no debugging information while 3 provides the highest amount of data and messages. Base SAS 9.4 Procedures Guide includes full descriptions of each debug level.

See the HTTP Procedure documentation for additional syntax.

Generating cURL commands with Postman

If you want someone to “write your code for you,” I recommend using a product like Postman to test your POST and GET commands with your API from outside of SAS. Postman is an open-source product with a super cool feature: it will produce CURL commands from successful communication with a URL.

Recommended resources

How to translate your cURL command into SAS code was published on SAS Users.

This post was kindly contributed by SAS Users - go there to comment and to read the full post.