I used to install
Datadog or other SaaS to monitor my Linux boxes on the cloud. Most times they are just overkill for my tiny servers with only 1GB or 2GB memory. Actually what I am most interested is the up-and-running processes, or/and the exact memory usage. And I need a mobile solution to monitor on-the-go.
from slackclient import SlackClient
from subprocess import getoutput
import logging
import time
message_channel = '#my-server-001'
api_key = 'xoxb-slack-token'
client = SlackClient(api_key)
if client.rtm_connect():
while True:
last_read = client.rtm_read()
if last_read:
parsed = last_read[0]['text']
if parsed and 'status' in parsed:
result = getoutput('pstree')
result += '\n\n' + getoutput('free -h')
client.rtm_send_message(message_channel, str(result))
except Exception as e:
Then I use systemd
or other tools to daemonize it. No matter where and when I am, I enter status
at the #my-server-001
channel on my phone, I will instantly get the result like –
| `-{gmain}
| |-{in:imuxsock}
| `-{rs:main Q:Reg}
| `-sshd---sshd
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 2.0G 207M 527M 26M 1.2G 1.7G
Swap: 255M 0B 255M
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