Category: SAS

External SAS Press Review Process

We are now in the External Review Process!!
The SAS Press external review process takes 6 weeks. It includes internal SAS employees who were tasked with reviewing our first 3 chapters as well as several external reviewers. They are all tasked with re…

Dashboard 4.3 Global Formatting Options

Within BI Dashboard 4.3, you can change the font styles on different elements within the Dashboard. This is a global change to all the indicators displayed on the dashboard as you are unable to modify at an indicator level fonts for titles, cells, etc….

10 interesting discoveries from SAS 9.3

1. SAS 9.2 and SAS 9.3 coexist
I thought that a new installation of SAS 9.3 would automatically uninstall the old SAS 9.22 on my laptop. Amazingly, the two editions live together peacefully. The directory for SAS 9.3 is SASHOME while SAS 9.22’s is SA…

10 interesting discoveries from SAS 9.3

1. SAS 9.2 and SAS 9.3 coexist
I thought that a new installation of SAS 9.3 would automatically uninstall the old SAS 9.22 on my laptop. Amazingly, the two editions live together peacefully. The directory for SAS 9.3 is SASHOME while SAS 9.22’s is SA…

10 interesting discoveries from SAS 9.3

1. SAS 9.2 and SAS 9.3 coexist
I thought that a new installation of SAS 9.3 would automatically uninstall the old SAS 9.22 on my laptop. Amazingly, the two editions live together peacefully. The directory for SAS 9.3 is SASHOME while SAS 9.22’s is SA…

Taking August off!

We’ll be back with recharged batteries and lots of new entries in September. Have a great summer*!As usual, please send any questions you have about using SAS or R.*Not valid in the southern hemisphere.

Taking August off!

We’ll be back with recharged batteries and lots of new entries in September. Have a great summer*!As usual, please send any questions you have about using SAS or R.*Not valid in the southern hemisphere.

Taking August off!

We’ll be back with recharged batteries and lots of new entries in September. Have a great summer*!As usual, please send any questions you have about using SAS or R.*Not valid in the southern hemisphere.