Not like consumer credit scoring, corporate default study is usually jeopardized by the low-n-low-p data sizes. In the fourth chapter of their book, Gunter and Peter, demonstrated an example about how to construct prediction models for IDR (invesment g…
Category: SAS
Automate univariate volatility modeling by macros
GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) models are widely used in market risk industry to estimate and forecast the volatility of returns. GARCH, including many variants like A-GARCH, GJR-GARCH and E-GARCH, is especially suit…
Automate univariate volatility modeling by macros
GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) models are widely used in market risk industry to estimate and forecast the volatility of returns. GARCH, including many variants like A-GARCH, GJR-GARCH and E-GARCH, is especially suit…
Quantile regression with PROC QUANTREG
This is a talk that I will give at NESUG in the fall. SA04
%HPGLIMMIX macro on large scale HMM
PROC GLIMMIX is good tool for generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), when the scale is small to medium. When facing a large scale GLMM, such as modeling all ZIPs nested in Counties nested in all 51 States in US, a 64-bit machine with extremely large …
%HPGLIMMIX macro on large scale HMM
PROC GLIMMIX is good tool for generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), when the scale is small to medium. When facing a large scale GLMM, such as modeling all ZIPs nested in Counties nested in all 51 States in US, a 64-bit machine with extremely large …
%HPGLIMMIX macro on large scale HMM
PROC GLIMMIX is good tool for generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), when the scale is small to medium. When facing a large scale GLMM, such as modeling all ZIPs nested in Counties nested in all 51 States in US, a 64-bit machine with extremely large …
Cleaning temporary files
Experienced sas users usually know where to find the work folder and how to clean it manually. Now there is an elegant solution for Windows – at long last. Usually when the sas session is terminated, the application does some house cleaning. When t…