How can we change the reference category for a categorical variable? This question comes up often in a consulting practice.When including categorical covariates in regression models, there is a question of how to incorporate the categories. One simpl…
Category: SAS
Goodbye, Summer!
Well, SAS Users, I continue to recover from what can only be described as a roller-coaster of a week! 2 major user group meetings, a SAS-sponsored charity soccer tournament and a wedding: all in the span of 6 days.The Toronto Management Exchange meetin…
Using Enterprise Guide on Windows 7
I recently got a new computer with a new (to me) operating system—Windows 7. I’m one of those diehards who stayed with Windows XP (and even with Office 2003), refusing to switch to Vista. This is a big change. I feel slightly dazed and disoriented because everything works so differently. So you can imagine how […]
NOTE: SAS 9.2 Procedures by Name and Product
I came across a list of SAS procedures by name and by product the other day. It was very useful to me at the time and I thought I’d pass it on……
How To Get SAS Certified in Las Vegas
Terry Barham, the SAS Global Certification Program Manager talks about all the exams which will be offered next month in Las Vegas at the M2010 Data Mining Conference and shares some advice for taking a SAS certification exam. Hint: there’s no sh…
Leading Zeroes
Here’s a situation that comes up pretty often. You receive a file that contains zip codes. It’s an excel file and you need to create a SAS data set out of it, so you can do some nifty market analysis. No problem, you clickety clickety through the SA…
How to convert the datetime character string to SAS datetime value? (ANYDTDTM and MDYAMPM formats)
When we have a string like this “9/01/2010 11:52:54 AM” and would like to translate the string to a numeric SAS date time variable, most of the times we use SCAN function to extract the information to get the DATETIME format. This is definitely a ted…
Serendipity In the SAS World
I think I’ve been fairly transparent in my unabashed love for my role here at SAS. For those who know me, I’m a pretty loud person in general: I’m not shy in the least, and one of my favourite things is meeting new and interesting people. And in the …