Category: SAS

Advances in Searching

The advanced search functionality is now production on It is available at You can also access it by selecting the search button when the search field is empty. Links to advanced search will start…

AUC calculation using Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test

Accurately Calculate AUC (Area Under the Curve) in SAS for a binary classifier rank ordered data

In order to calculate AUC for a given SAS data set that is already rank ordered by a binary classifier (such as linear logistic regression), where we h…

SAS DIF function – Comparing previous records

The SAS DIF function is another useful tool for operating on previous records. Lets say you want to know the difference in the last year’s revenue and this year’s revenue. Here is the data: Year          Revenue 2001           10,000 2002          30,000 2003          60,000 2004          100,000 data revenue1; set revenue; Rev_increase=dif1(revenue); run; Year          Revenue         Rev_increase 2001           10,000         […]

The man behind the curtain: SAS Deployment Wizard

More questions answered:
Q: I’m looking for a simple install guide for 9.2
A: I couldn’t answer the question about why SAS 9.2 has different installation documentation, so I enlisted the help of Fred Perry who is a major contributor of content to …

Answering the questions from the feedback forms

We have recently added feedback forms and short surveys on some pages on We don’t ask for your e-mail address or require you to log in to the site. That means that all of the comments are anonymous. We think the ease of commenti…

Tweak PROC FASTCLUS for 1-Nearest Neighbor / Closest Match

In most table lookup tasks, we are doing EXACT matching. However, sometimes we are looking for closest match in the lookup table. By ‘closest’, we mean smallest Eucleadian distance:


Typically we have to manually code the search function …

Get your graph questions answered

We launched a new discussion forum at the end of August. The SAS/GRAPH and ODS Graphics forum provides a place to discuss the visual representation of data, to share your questions, suggestions, experiences, and pains regarding graphics. Join the…