Fact checking a reddit post about GDP

I peruse many different websites to get my news, and I always keep an eye out for good (or bad) presentations of data. I recently saw a posting on reddit claiming “U.S. GDP is greater than the total of all others combined.” This news seemed too good to…

SAS graphs and Excel data, from Unix!

I started my computer career as a Unix system administrator, and when I began using SAS almost 30 years ago it was only natural that I used it on Unix computers (they were the most powerful/capable computers I had access to at the time). I’ve picked up…

What’s the most popular language in each US state?

I can recognize several languages when I hear people speaking them (mostly because I lived in the Alexander International Dorm at NC State University). Therefore when I found a map of the most common languages spoken in each US state, it caught my attention, and I decided to try creating my […]

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