Example 10.7: Fisher vs. Pearson

In the early days of the discipline of statistics, R.A. Fisher argued with great vehemence against Egon Pearson (and Jerzy Neyman) over the foundational notions supporting statistical inference. The personal invective recorded is somewhat amusing an…

SAS and VBA (8): What VBA can do for SAS?

The eventual answer is user interface (I really don’t mean SAS/AF) with or without Excel.

In the Windows environment, SAS provides data access layer by ADO and ADO.NET. We can build the applications using SAS at the backend through ADO.NET. Sinc…

Hello Groovy in SAS 9.3

see, it’s hip to be square ‘cuz SAS has a new PROC that’s GROOVY -Chris Hemedinger, Poetry on our own terms    These days I played Proc Groovy (new in SAS 9.3) for a while because Groovy natively supports JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data format. I downloaded much JSON data in the past few weeks(Github archive […]