Jedi SAS Tricks: Reset SAS System Options

One of my students emailed me, asking how to easily reset SAS system options. He was looking for a one-liner solution, just like you get with graphic options: GOPTIONS RESET; While there isn’t a RESET keyword for the OPTIONS statement, you can save you…

SAS BI: Tell SAS What You Want in the SASWare Ballot

Last week I received a tweet from Kerri Rivers (@kerri_rivers) reminding me to vote in the SASware Ballot. I met Kerri at SAS Global Forum this past year.  She is a consultant for SAS with a wicked good sense of humor.  Yes – my kind of person! Anyway she had a good suggestion. What is the SASWare Ballot? You can visit the SASWare Ballot website to check all the suggestions that other customers have made. If you see one a suggestion you like – vote for it!  See one you do not understand – ask a question.  See one that you think could be even better – make a comment.  You will have to be logged in – don’t worry it’s free!  Review the Suggestions There are plenty of good suggestions based on the products (SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS BI Dashboard, and so on ).  For instance, here is a suggestion for the Information Delivery Portal.  The user suggests that a portlet that allows you to enter HTML code directly and immediately below it someone commented that the feature was available in a earlier release.  I like this idea – however you can use a stored process to deliver to HTML […]

NOTE: Farewell to London 2012

This week is going to feel strange. “London 2012” will revert to simply being a reference to London in the year 2012 BC. Since the 2012 Olympics were awarded to London on 6th July 2005, the phrase “London 2012” has held special meaning and anticipati…

NOTE: When WORK is not WORK

When you code a one-level data set name, i.e. a data set name with no libname specified, you probably expect it to be read or written from/to the WORK library, but that might not be so. Read on…

Subject to the value of the USER= option, one-level da…