managing projects using RStudio

We’re continually amazed with new developments within RStudio, the integrated developed environment for R that we highlighted previously (Among others, Andrew Gelman agrees with us about its value). The most recent addition addresses one of our earlie…

On Unpublished Software

sciseekclaimtoken-4f343317d3d60 I ran across this post at The Tree of Life entitled ‘Interesting new metagenomics paper w/ one big big big caveat – critical software not available”. The long and short of it? Paper appears in Science, has fancy new methodology, lacks the software for someone else to use their methodology. Blog author understandably annoyed. But I […]

Cholesky decomposition to "expand" data

Yesterday Rick showed how to use Cholesky decomposition to transform data by the ROOT function of SAS/IML. Cholesky decomposition is so important in simulation. For those DATA STEP programmers who are not very familiar with SAS/IML, PROC FCMP in SAS m…