SAS and IWA: Two Hops

In an earlier post I mentioned that I would jot down a few notes about my experiences with SAS® software and Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). This is the first of these posts and concerns the initial configuration. Chances are, if you knew…

SAS Enterprise Guide: Quick Tip for Selecting Text in Columns

Earlier in the week I discussed how I used Google Analytics to help me discover topics of the most interest. SAS Enterprise Guide was a popular topic, so here’s a quick tip that I like to use when working with text in columns.  Moving Text around in SAS Enterprise Guide When it comes to data entry, I can assure you that I put the “Z” in lazzzzzzzzzzzzzy. Blech, I hate it more than pie charts. It’s the first thing I’ll have my home robot do when they finally become as normal as a refrigerator. So here’s a tip to save you some keystrokes.  When you copy text in SAS EG, you generally have to copy entire rows, but sometimes you just need a list of variable names or the variable values.   When you need to copy a column of data, do the following: Hold the ALT key while clicking and dragging to select the column. The column turns blue so you know it works. Press Ctrl+C to copy the column. Click where you want to place the text and press Ctrl+V to paste it.  Then you can make any edits you desire.   Applying this Trick Other Areas You can […]

6 ways to count odd numbers in SAS/IML

SAS/IML has a number of vector-wise subscripts/operators/functions available, which can make many things easy. A cheat sheet about them can be found at Rick Wicklin’s blog.

To try out those wonderful features( and their combinations?), I designed a…

Splitting hairs among the ranks

This morning I logged onto my e-mail at 6:45 AM to learn that SAS was ranked as the No. 3 Best Company to Work For. No. 3 is not as high as No. 1.  But it’s very, very close.  Perhaps even barely distinguishable, in the larger scheme of things. I […]