SAS Macro to Make Tiny URLs

Someone on SAS-L wanted a piece of SAS code to convert a long url to a short one. Well, here you go:filename in “x:\temp\in”;filename out “x:\temp\out.txt”;%macro MakeTiny(longUrl=); data _null_; file in lrecl=1028; put “url=&longUrl” ; ru…

NOTE: Decoding the _TYPE_ Variable (Golden Oldies)

Our mini-series of hints and tips from past decades continues with 1999…

Appearing in the same issue of The Missing Semicolon (TMS) was i) an advertisement for Year 2000 Support (do you remember “Y2K”?), and ii) an article entitled “Decoding the _TY…

Four ways to add row number in SQL Server

It is easy to sort any data in SQL Server, while it is not a trivial job to add a new variable of row number to an existent table. Here I come with four ways to realize the purpose.

/********** 0. Input data source *********************/

Traffic report: the most visited posts of 2011

Lots of the visitors to this blog arrive here by way of Google search (welcome!). Thanks to search engines and a few well placed keywords, the same older posts (let’s call them “timeless topics”) seem to attract the most traffic from year to year. I hope that the searchers find […]