Info Map: Get me a new Data Item, puhhleeze!

When creating a new data item, you might want to combine two or more data fields to make one.  For instance, you want to create the data item Full Name from First Name and Last Name data items. Using the SAS CAT functions makes this is an easy task. There are three CAT functions available from the Expression Editor.  Each of these functions has a slight difference that is useful in various situations. For this example, you will learn how to use the CATX functions to create the Full name data item in three different ways: Employee Name is the First Name and Last Name Employee is the Last Name, First Name Employee Code uses the Employee Number and Last Name The CATX function does 3 things: Concatenates two or more data items Removes the white space at end of the character value Allows you to set a delimiter (comma, space, and so on) between the data items Create Employee Name For this data item, you want a space between the first name and last name.  When adding the code place a space between the quote marks. Create Employee For this data item, you want a comma between the last and […]

An Online Latin to English Translator via SAS

Last month I submitted piece of SAS codes for a monthly programming challenge hosted by Jian Dai to translate the Latin motto of Hogwarts School in Harry Potter into English:
draco dormiens nunquam titillandus

You can get the meaning using Google search of course—but not in Google Translator (Google Translator can’t recognize all of such Latin words!). […]

Create Nelson-Siegel function for yield curve

U.S. Treasury bonds with maturity ranging from 1 year to 30 years are daily updated on the Treasury’s website. However, some yields, such as from 4 years maturity bond, have to be inferred. The Nelson-Siegel function is probably one of the most impor…

Create Nelson-Siegel function for yield curve

U.S. Treasury bonds with maturity ranging from 1 year to 30 years are daily updated on the Treasury’s website. However, some yields, such as from 4 years maturity bond, have to be inferred. The Nelson-Siegel function is probably one of the most impor…