Netflix streaming: Making every minute count

It turns out that I’m not receiving the maximum potential value from my Netflix streaming service.  Perhaps it’s because I place too much value on sleep. With my monthly subscription, I am permitted to view Netflix content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  In my house I have […]

SAS Portal: Url’s all the space?

If you want a portal page to show an website or web page from another location (URL), use the URL portlet.  You have a few options when you use an URL Portlet.
Once you have the portlet created – click the Edit button to specify the website (URL…

Map and Reduce in MapReduce: a SAS Illustration

In last post, I mentioned Hadoop, the open source implementation of Google’s MapReduce for parallelized processing of big data. In this long National Holiday, I read the original Google paper, MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters by Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat and got that the terminologies of “map” and “reduce” were basically borrowed […]