Adam Bullock in SAS Tech Support has become a superstar in my book. I don’t send him tickets directly but the area I am working in always seems to find him.The latest issue was consuming a WCF service. This was different since Microsoft uses interfaces…

Slides for Reproducible Research Talk at Interface 2011

I gave a talk at the Interface Symposium on reproducible research in practice. I went first in the session, so the slides have a bit more background and philosophy. It was a great session; one of Jon Claerbout’s colleagues spoke, Sergey Fomel, a founding author of Madagascar; Sorin Mitran from UNC Chapel Hill talked about […]

Retrieve blogs using SAS

Recently I posted a frequency analysis on Rick Wicklin’s popular SAS/IML blog. Sanjay Matange also produced a nice heatmap on Rick’s blogging history using the summary data I published. Here just release the ideas and SAS codes to get data from Rick’s blog dynamically. You may modify the codes slightly to obtain data from all […]