Read this bulletin for the SAS response to CVE-2021-44228, the Apache Log4j vulnerability.
Updates on the Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability was published on SAS Users.
Read this bulletin for the SAS response to CVE-2021-44228, the Apache Log4j vulnerability.
Updates on the Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability was published on SAS Users.
CAS libraries enable you to access your CAS data. By defining the librefs for those caslibs in SAS Studio, you can have more interactive access to the CAS data.
How to view CAS tables in SAS® Studio was published on SAS Users.
This post is written in the hopes of easing the SAS Viya deployment process for novices like me. Firstly, deploying SAS Viya, like most enterprise software packages, isn’t a skill we’re innately born with. We’re going to need a little help, some good documentation, and time to absorb the intricoes […]
A Novice Perspective on SAS Viya Deployment was published on SAS Users.
When we wrote the sixth edition of The Little SAS Book: A Primer, one of our goals was to write it for all SAS programmers regardless of which interface they use for coding: SAS Studio, SAS Enterprise Guide, the SAS windowing environment, or batch. This is harder than it sounds. […]
Using variable names with special characters was published on SAS Users.
SAS and Microsoft empower you to make better, faster decisions with unique enterprise decision management.
4 ways to make better, faster decisions with enterprise decision management from SAS Viya on Azure was published on SAS Users.
This blog is a continuation of a previous blog that discussed creating simulated data sets. If you have not seen it, you might want to review it, especially if you are not familiar with the RAND function. The program that I’m going to show you simulates a drug study with […]
Creating Simulated Data Sets (Part Two) was published on SAS Users.