Is something missing or is it a ZERO?

As far as numbers go, the number zero is rather mysterious for data. Is it something or is it nothing?

What happens when you have missing data but enter 0?

This topic triggered an intriguing discussion in my recent Programming 2: Data Manipulat…

Credit default swap pricing by PROC FCMP

Sometimes I feel curious about how running a simple VBA macro in Excel could beat my 8-core desktop to indefinite waiting time with 100% CPU usage. On those occasions, I wish SAS could be a rescue, since I am more familiar and confident with SAS. The g…

Credit default swap pricing by PROC FCMP

Sometimes I feel curious about how running a simple VBA macro in Excel could beat my 8-core desktop to indefinite waiting time with 100% CPU usage. On those occasions, I wish SAS could be a rescue, since I am more familiar and confident with SAS. The g…

Credit default swap pricing by Proc FCMP

Sometimes I feel curious about how running a simple VBA macro in Excel could beat my 8-core desktop to indefinite waiting time with 100% CPU usage. On those occasions, I wish SAS could be a rescue, since I am more familiar and confident with SAS. The g…