Jedi SAS Tricks: Macro Q functions

James Bond: “Give me the old fashioned target range, Quartermaster. “
Q: “Yes, well, it’s called the future, so get used to it.”
In James Bond movies, it’s Q’s job to disguise wickedly effective technology as seemingly innocuous everyday …

CDISC Express: A Glance

This weekend I tested an application that can automatically transform clinical data to CDISC SDTM compliant datasets(3.1.1 and 3.1.2), CDISC Express of Clinovo. According to its license statements, you can download it for free and for personal use only.
The core of CDISC Express is an Excel configuration file called Mapping File which defines all the […]

SAS Grid Series – What, Why and How

SAS Grid computing has been around for a while, and while there is a lot of information available on SAS Grid,  I found it incredibly hard to get a succinct view on how you would and wouldn’t deploy SAS Grid in an environment. This series will outline what I found.  I will add each article […]

Flush with excitement…errr, logs

Well, it is Friday night, I am back from the doctor with antibiotics due to a possible spider bite (love those little guys), and I decide to track down some performance issues with the SAS StoredProcessService (or Microsoft’s Cassini). Somewhere, someo…