It’s often necessary to combine data from two data sets for further analysis. Such merging can be one-to-one, many-to-one, and many-to-many. The most common form is the one-to-one match, which we cover in section 1.5.7. Today we look at a one-to-man…
Capability Reviewer Preview: who has access to a capability and how?
The next version of the Metacoda Security Plug-ins includes a new Capability Reviewer. This new feature provides the ability to review who has access to a specific capability and by what paths a user, group or role acquires that capability. As an example of how this is useful I’ll step through a scenario where we […]
SAS Global forum 2011 Videos
Hello!For all of those who are unable to attend the SAS Global forum 2011, here is the way to catch up from your workplace/home:…
Don’t hold your applause to the end
Yesterday I was in the Big Room for the rehearsal of the Technology Connection, the part of SAS Global Forum where SAS shows off its wares: what’s been released recently and what’s coming. I believe that customers are going to love what they see….
What happens in Las Vegas…
…will come home with you. This week, as many of you know, SAS Global Forum is taking place in Las Vegas. Many of our SAS Training Instructors are there teaching classes, presenting papers, hosting workshops and answering your questions in the …
Running PROCs on Your Facebook Friends (2011 version)
While talking to fellow SAS users at SAS Global Forum 2011 this week, I’ll be discussing how SAS programmers can “play” with social media data that they can access on Facebook and Twitter. I always refer people to my blog for more information, an…