Take a Different View on NOTE:

The NOTE: blog is very kindly hosted by Google Blogger. The Blogger platform has recently had some alternative means of viewing the content added to it. If you visit NOTE: at http://www.NoteColon.info/view (note the /view on the end of the URL) you’ll …

SAS programmers: meet Twitter

“Twitter, thou art nought but data.” So sayeth the SAS programmer.

Many data analysts now recognize Twitter for what it is: a tremendous source of data covering almost any topic, from Justin Bieber’s hair to political uprisings to technical conf…

Manage the internal SAS 9.2 account policies

In SAS 9.2, internal accounts can be created and utilized within the metadata and then do not require host (or domain) accounts defined elsewhere. By default, the sasadm@saspw is one such internal account.

Unless you specifically declare an exception,…

Making SOAP calls from SAS! Integrating with web services

One of the issues with SAS for many IT departments is the lack of integration with service oriented architecture (SOA). The good news is with many new features coming online with versions 9.X+ are service oriented. Lets look quickly at the Proc SOAP procedure now available. For those SAS programmers out there that aren’t familiar with […]