The Bus Factor

What is your project’s “Bus Factor”? If you don’t know, or you don’t know what the Bus Factor is, you’d better read this article! If you do know your Bus Factor and it’s too low, read this article for some advice on how to increase it.

Wikipedia descr…


Here’s just a brief post about a function I just stumbled across. The PROPCASE function coverts a string to “proper case” wherein the first letter of each word is upper case and all others are lower case. Clearly this is a very useful thing for column …

SAS Forum 2011 – What will they announce?

Well apart from SAS 9.3 (ill post more on that later) I am guessing SAS will be publicly announcing their new BI capability due out at the end of this year. There has been a rumor round for a while that SAS HO wasn’t happy with the latest Gartner BI Magic Quadrant. So a decision was made to put some […]