SaviDataSet Alpha 1.0 On the Web

I am finally ready with my SAS dataset reader/writer for .NET. It is written in 100% managed code using .NET 3.5. The dlls can be foundhere.A sample .NET console application can be found in the program file entries after the installation.Update 2/13/20…

SAS implementation of Kernel PCA

Kernel method is a very useful technique in data mining that is applicable to any algorithms relying on inner product [1]. The key is applying appropriate kernel function to the inner product of original data space.

I show here SAS/STAT+BASE ex…

Partial Least Square

In some predictive modelling projects, we may have variables that most of the observations have the same value, while the small percentage rest ones are populated with meaningful values. For example, 90% observations have values=0 but the rest 10% ha…

Advice to a New SAS Programmer

I saw an interesting question posted to Twitter by @sastips. She asked experienced SAS programmers what advice they would give to new or junior SAS programmers. New user advice is always needed. On, we are frequently asked for ad…