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Does your e-mail signature contain several sets of letters like MCSE or PMP? You see more and more people expressing their educational experience by including qualifiers after their name in e-mail signatures. Some say that this is a result of th…

PROC MIXED vs. lmer()

I am using R for a few years now. I like it a lot. Previously I used SAS (notably its modules SAS/BASE, SAS/STAT, SAS/IML, …), because that is the statistical package of choice at my department. I had a hard time when I switched to R, mainly because …

SAS Macro Nesting

I’d like to share a nifty SAS option that will help tremendously with debugging SAS macros. The mprintNest system option will show nesting information in your log. This is a big improvement over mprint that showed which macro you were in, but made it…