Tag: Administration

New 9.3 Framework Data Server

Just got some time to begin playing with the 9.3 Enterprise Business Intelligence installation on my SAS laptop. As I was testing out the web applications, SASWebDoc opened but I couldn’t get to the SAS login screen up to access the SAS Stored Process…

Advantages abound by centralizing all of those logs

In order to support a SAS Server Architecture, administrators must know where all the log files from the various SAS Business Intelligence services are located. By default, each service that generates a log will create it within the services’ own confi…

Right Mouse Clicking in Stored Process and Portal Web Apps

In 9.2, the right-mouse click functionality is not available by default. To switch back to this (which for STP developers in a DEV environment is essential to our productivity), SAS has provided the following note:

Right Mouse Clicking in Stored Process and Portal Web Apps

In 9.2, the right-mouse click functionality is not available by default. To switch back to this (which for STP developers in a DEV environment is essential to our productivity), SAS has provided the following note: http://support.sas.com/kb/39/292.html…

Manage the internal SAS 9.2 account policies

In SAS 9.2, internal accounts can be created and utilized within the metadata and then do not require host (or domain) accounts defined elsewhere. By default, the sasadm@saspw is one such internal account.

Unless you specifically declare an exception,…

Manage the internal SAS 9.2 account policies

In SAS 9.2, internal accounts can be created and utilized within the metadata and then do not require host (or domain) accounts defined elsewhere. By default, the sasadm@saspw is one such internal account. Unless you specifically declare an exception, …

Save User Frustration by adding the magic ‘Log (back) In’ button

SAS Web Application Infrastructure automatically logs users out of the system after a predesignated amount of time. Unless the user has the URL bookmarked, they have to retype the Web Application URL. There is a much less frustrating way for users to g…

Changing up SAS Work for the Intelligence Platform

There is a wide array of papers (from SAS, conferences, on blog posts, etc) discussing the need to move WORK (the SAS temporary files) off to other locations.
In the SAS Intelligence Platform it’s the same way, however there are a BUNCH of SAS configu…