Tag: cex

Example 9.2: Transparency and bivariate KDE

In Example 9.1, we showed a binning approach to plotting bivariate relationships in a large data set. Here we show more sophisticated approaches: transparent overplotting and formal two-dimensional kernel density estimation. We use the 10,000 simulat…

Example 9.2: Transparency and bivariate KDE

In Example 9.1, we showed a binning approach to plotting bivariate relationships in a large data set. Here we show more sophisticated approaches: transparent overplotting and formal two-dimensional kernel density estimation. We use the 10,000 simulat…

Example 9.2: Transparency and bivariate KDE

In Example 9.1, we showed a binning approach to plotting bivariate relationships in a large data set. Here we show more sophisticated approaches: transparent overplotting and formal two-dimensional kernel density estimation. We use the 10,000 simulat…