Tag: dashboard

Does your dashboard measure up?

Information Dashboards were the hot topic a few years ago, but the hype seems to have died down lately. A good dashboard is still a very useful way to summarize, analyze, and share data – so I thought I’d re-visit the topic, and try to improve an old d…

A medical dashboard for the Star Trek fans

As a kid who grew up in the 60s & 70s, I was a big fan of the original Star Trek TV series. And in the years since, I have seen lots of the Star Trek “technology” become a reality: cellphones, portable tablet computers, talking computers (Alexa/Siri), etc. But I […]

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Using fast food prices as an index of purchasing power

I recently read an interesting article in The Economist, where they describe “The Big Mac index.”  This is an index they invented as a lighthearted guide to compare currencies in different countries. In their article they create a multi-panel displa…

Santa’s information dashboard

‘Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the world … dot-matrix printers were humming as Santa’s naughty/nice list was unfurled… Can you imagine what it must have been like years ago when Santa had to maintain his naughty/nice list by hand,…

JoA: Dashboard Your Scorecard

The Journal of Accountancy had a good article last month on building Excel-based dashboards. It got the creative juices flowing for me, and I am thinking about integrating some dashboards into my daily work. Modern BI tools like SAS and … Continue reading

FYI: Dashboard using SAS/Graph

see, http://support.sas.com/kb/26/134.html

Slider chart indicator:

SAS program version
stored process version
portlet version

Slider chart dashboard:

SAS program version
stored process version
portlet version

Bullet graph indicator:

SAS program version
stored process version
portlet version

Bullet graph dashboard:

SAS program version
stored process version
portlet version

Dial meter indicator:

SAS program version
stored process version
portlet version

Dial meter dashboard:

SAS program version
stored process version
portlet version

Bar chart indicator:

SAS program version
stored process version
portlet version

Bar chart dashboard:

SAS program version
stored […]

Santa and SAS Again: Santa’s Dashboard

(santaDashBoard.png, With permission by Mr. Robert Allison)
Merry Christmas again. SAS marketing staff started up an interesting Christmas campaign on how Santa operates his workshop. Here is another wonderful work about Santa’s Dashboard, created by SAS senior R&D staff, Robert Allison.
Robert is a master of graphics and visualization. You can view his SAS/Graph examples in the […]