SAS has powerful features for reading data out of text files (such as CSV, TSV, datalines, and various other formats), but while reading text, you may find your data set is missing rows and the log has this non-intuitive error message (well, “not…
Tag: error message
Import DBF in SAS
There are several ways to import DBF files in SAS. First, there is PROC DBF: filename dbfin ’employee.dbf’; proc dbf db5=dbfin out=employee; run; But in my environment (SAS 9.1.3 Windows XP; and SAS 9.2 on Windows Server 2008 with Enterprise Guide 4.2 …
Passing a range to a SAS stored process via URL
Stored processes can be called via the SAS Stored Process Web Application using a URL. Though powerful and useful, the advanced usage concerning ranges requires explanation. Background Say you have a program called /path/myprogram on server sasserver, …
SAS: “The query requires remerging summary statistics back with the original data”
Coming from a background writing SQL code directly for “real” RDBMS (Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and SQLite), I was initially confused when SAS would give me the following ‘note’ for a simple summary PROC SQL query: 429 proc sq…
SAS truncates SQL columns to length 1024
At first I thought SAS was giving me errors because the input data was malformed. Before I found data entry operators typing invalid dates such as “3/30/33/2009″ : NOTE: Invalid argument to function INPUT at line 1248 column 26 NOTE: Mathem…