Zebra Puzzle Terminator: A general automatic reasoning system solving method

By starting from a set of purely declarative statements, any zebra puzzle with limited constraints can be tagged and solved quickly in the same way without changing any code.

Zebra Puzzle Terminator: A general automatic reasoning system solving method was published on SAS Users.

Solve “A Puzzle for Pirates” with SAS

This article introduces how to solve the pirate game with a recursive solving algorithm in SAS, and how to analyze and visualize the law behind the complex logic of the pirate game. If you join in a pirate game next time, you can know your destiny ahead of time to reap the benefits and avoid getting killed.

Solve “A Puzzle for Pirates” with SAS was published on SAS Users.

Solve “A Puzzle for Pirates” with SAS

This article introduces how to solve the pirate game with a recursive solving algorithm in SAS, and how to analyze and visualize the law behind the complex logic of the pirate game. If you join in a pirate game next time, you can know your destiny ahead of time to reap the benefits and avoid getting killed.

Solve “A Puzzle for Pirates” with SAS was published on SAS Users.

Calculating the number of working days between two dates

It’s a simple task to use SAS to compute the number of weekdays between two dates. You can use the INTCK function with the WEEKDAY interval to come up with that number.
diff = intkc(’WEEKDAY’, start_date, end_date); 
If you want to c…

Calculating the number of working days between two dates

It’s a simple task to use SAS to compute the number of weekdays between two dates. You can use the INTCK function with the WEEKDAY interval to come up with that number. diff = intck(’WEEKDAY’, start_date, end_date);  If you want to compu…