Tag: General Message

Advice to a New SAS Programmer

I saw an interesting question posted to Twitter by @sastips. She asked experienced SAS programmers what advice they would give to new or junior SAS programmers. New user advice is always needed. On support.sas.com, we are frequently asked for ad…

New features for authors and fans of SAS Publishing!

Contributed by Kirsten Hamstra, SAS Publishing

Changes are happening at SAS Publishing with several new features being rolled out this month. The first and largest new feature focuses on our authors.

Currently, most SAS Publishing titles have a…

The promise of things to come

We had five warm sunny days in a row last week. It felt like spring. Even a few daffodils were fooled into thinking that spring had arrived. The weather has returned to a winter-like chill but these early bloomers stand tall anticipating more …

Happy New Year!

I’ve lost track of what day it is. There have been so many Saturdays in a row that I’m not quite sure what day today is. I do know that 2009 has begun. With your help, we’ll do some great things this year on support.sas.com and with SAS softwar…

This new newsletter is STAT-heavy

Well, recently October has meant play-off baseball to me, since I’m a Red Sox fan, and that’s true this year, too. But this year it also means the first edition of our new SAS Statistics and Operations Research News, a newsletter focused on inf…

Reading in Exotic Locations

As August draws to a close and school systems all over the country are calling students back to their desks, I can’t help but daydream about lavish vacation spots with warm breezes and cool blue water. But, this post isn’t about vacationing. It i…

Get Certified and Get Registered

Does your e-mail signature contain several sets of letters like MCSE or PMP? You see more and more people expressing their educational experience by including qualifiers after their name in e-mail signatures. Some say that this is a result of th…

What do you want?

I heard a morning deejay ask a listener “what are you about?” Before you read any further, take a minute and mentally complete this sentence “I’m about ______.” Are you surprised by what popped into your head first? I was surprised by the answer…