Tag: hls

Can you name all the SAS colors?

Anybody can come up with a list of simple colors, such as red, green, and blue. If you’re a bit more color savvy, you might even throw in indigo, magenta, and fuchsia. But what about more obscure names such as cornsilk, mistyrose, and midnightblue? This blog post will help you […]

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Only brush the teeth you want to keep

When I was a kid, I remember a motivational poster on my dentist’s wall that said “You don’t have to brush all your teeth — only the ones you want to keep.”  That poster really made me think, and brush my teeth! And now that I’m a data-analyst adult, I think […]

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Pyramids, body parts, and gender differences

Nope – we’re not digging up mummies in pyramids and analyzing the gender – this blog is about population pyramid charts and “digging into data”! But since the title might have lured in some pyramid fans, here’s a picture of my friend Angela posing beside a pyramid – pretty cool, eh?!? […]

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