Tag: immigration

SAS graphs and Excel data, from Unix!

I started my computer career as a Unix system administrator, and when I began using SAS almost 30 years ago it was only natural that I used it on Unix computers (they were the most powerful/capable computers I had access to at the time). I’ve picked up…

Coming to America … from Mexico

One of my favorite Eddie Murphy movies when I was growing up was Coming to America. And speaking of coming to America, there’s been a lot in the news recently about people doing just that. So I thought I’d use my SAS skills to help people wanting to co…

A different view of US immigration

Have you ever found a graph of some interesting information, but the graph was difficult to understand (or even misleading). I strive to fix those graphs – this time it’s a graph of US immigration data… I found the following immigration graph on the flowingdata website – it’s a screen-capture of […]

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