Tag: information maps

I have doubts

One of my new work friends says this frequently. But the statement is lost in his translation from Portuguese, it is not that he does not believe me, it is just that he has questions about how things happen so he can learn. I debate on which version of…

Change your passwords without locking out your connection

Did you change your LinkedIn password yesterday? (If you didn’t, you should!) But did it happen to be the same as your corporate password? First, tisk tisk. Second, change your corporate password NOW! Ok, now that this is done ~ don’t let your save…

Web Report Studio: Adding Drill-Down Filter Based on a Date

When I was creating the Summary and Detailed reports for the SAS Global Forum paper, I was demonstrating how to link from the weekly chart to the detailed report about the week.  On my first try with my Week Filter based on the date value – it just would not work.  Eeek!  To fix the problem I made a new data item that was a character value.  This posts talks about my strategy.  [You can read our paper “Get Your Fast Pass to Building Business Intelligence with SAS and Google Analytics”.  The presentation goes into more detail, but here’s some past articles about Google Analytics. ] What Should Happen When you click on the bar that represents the week – you actually drill-down to the Weekly Detailed report. You cannot use a date value as this filter – you must use a character based filter for this prompt.  If you need help setting up the filter or creating the link – just refer to the  ”Get Your Fast Pass to Building Business Intelligence with SAS and Google Analytics” paper. Creating the Proper Filter in the Information Map First you need to create a data item based on the date variable.  I used a CASE statement to test if the week was […]

Which tables contribute to that SAS information map?

About a year ago (wow, has it been that long?), I posted an example program that lets you report on the contents of a SAS information map. Using my example, you can see the data items, filters, and folder structure within a given information map….

What SAS administrators should know about libraries, metadata, and SAS Enterprise Guide

We sometimes take it for granted, but the concept of the “SAS library” is just about one of the most awesome aspects of The SAS System.

You can give your library a name (a library reference, or libref), tell the system how to get to your data (…

What SAS administrators should know about libraries, metadata, and SAS Enterprise Guide

We sometimes take it for granted, but the concept of the “SAS library” is just about one of the most awesome aspects of The SAS System. You can give your library a name (a library reference, or libref), tell the system how to get to your data (options …