Tag: Mike Kalt

What Time Do They Roll Up the Sidewalks in Cary?

When you travel as much as a typical SAS instructor, you get to be an expert on hotels, restaurants and entertainment. Anyone can figure out where to eat or what to do in downtown Chicago or in Manhattan, but it takes a dedicated traveler to show…

SAS/GRAPH "SG" Procedures–Not Just for Statisticians!

If you are a SAS/GRAPH user, you may have heard about the new Statistical Graphics (“SG”) procedures that are new in SAS 9.2. These procedures are designed to make it easier to produce common statistical charts and plots.

You may have assum…

Last, but least……

Now that my blogging partner Cat Truxillo has identified herself, it’s my turn to come out of hiding. I’m Mike Kalt, and I’ll be telling you what I know about Base SAS and SAS/GRAPH, and providing more gossip about life on the road and what’s goi…