Tag: names

What is the most common last name in each North Carolina county?

The other day I was playing around with the voter registration data for all ~8 million registered voters in North Carolina (yes – this guy knows how to have fun!), and I got to wondering what last names were the most common. I summarized the data by co…

Which name is more unisex – Jessie or Angel?

With many names, it’s difficult to know whether the person is male or female. Let’s use the power of analytics to determine which names are the most unisex, based on the number of boys and girls with those names. But, before we get started, here’s a picture of my friend […]

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SAS – Lowercase (lowcase) / Uppercase (upcase) / Proper Case (propcase)

We can’t stress the importance handling character case correctly. Here are the two functions you need to know and use correctly. In order to convert all characters in a sting to lowercase, use the LOWCASE function. Example: data ds_2; set ds_1; *convert it to lowercase; new_char_var=lowcase(OLD_CHAR_VAR); run; In order to convert all characters in a […]