Tag: ods

SAS ODS Report Writing Interface: A Quick Demo

I personally nominated SAS ODS Report Writing Interface was the one of the best technology I found in SAS in 2012. It can generates reports cell by cell and row by row and has much flexibility to produce highly customized reports. Basically, to use it, first assign an ODS destination. Nothing new, and I prefer […]

An easy way to find variables in common to data sets

Over the holidays I was having a discussion with my cat, Ms. Trixie Lou. A question that often arises during the first programming class is the following: how do I find the variables that are in common to these two or three data sets? As it turns out, …

Get Started with SAS Tagsets.ExcelXP

Hate it or not (Yes I do), SAS programmers can’t just get rid of Microsoft Office Excel in their life. Now my turn (with Tagsets.ExcelXP, I can at least get rid of DDE)… 0. SAS Templates window A visual way to browse all ODS templates is to use windows command “ODSTEMPLATES” to invoke a SAS […]

Where is SAS Output Anyway?

It is said in An Introduction to R, one of R official documents (Current Version: 2.15.1): There is an important difference in philosophy between S (and hence R) and the other main statistical systems. In S a statistical analysis is normally done as a series of steps, with intermediate results being stored in objects. Thus […]

Mobile is available for all SAS programmers

During the SAS Global Forum this past week, SAS offered several demos on mobile technology including: Michael Hecht, SAS, JMP iPad App Super Demo Chris Hemedinger hosted a Live Tech Talk on Tuesday that covered the new SAS Visual Analytics Explore…

Graphs are easy with SAS 9.3

ODS Graphics have matured.  With SAS 9.2, GTL and SG procedures were a new direction for creating analytical graphs in SAS. The motivation and design of the GTL framework and the SG procedures was driven primarily by the needs of the procedure writers…

Suppress Engine/Host Section in Proc Contents

ODS EXCLUDE EngineHost ;

SAS default behavior is for this statement to be in effect only until the next procedure it encounters. To tell SAS to continuously exclude these two objects from the output, add the PERSIST option as follows: